Singing Guide: Candi Pearson

Singing Guide: Candi Pearson

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Candi Pearson is an American singer/songwriter known for her soulful voice, vibrant Christian upbringing, and a long history of collaborating with various artists to create beautiful and spirit-filled songs. Pearson's unique vocal technique emphasizes the use of both chest and head voices to create a rich and dynamic sound. In this article, we'll explore Pearson's vocal style, highlight some of her most notable songs, and introduce practical advice and relevant Singing Carrots resources to help you learn how to sing like Candi Pearson.

Unique Vocal Technique

One of the most significant aspects of Candi Pearson's vocal style is her use of both chest and head voices. She uses her chest voice to create powerful and vibrant sounds while her head voice is used to create a more subtle, delicate tone. Trained singers often refer to this combination as a "mix" rather than using purely chest voice or head voice, letting singers achieve various sound colors and vocal agility. Chest voice refers to the low-lying register of your voice that you can feel resonating in your chest when using it, while head voice refers to the high notes that you can feel in your head, resonating between the ears while maintaining a cohesive sound with the chest voice. To be able to sing in both registers, you should build a balanced voice that enables sensitive and consistent transitions and has the proper technique when approaching higher pitches.

Notable Songs

One of the best ways to learn how to sing like Candi Pearson is to study some of her most notable songs and performances. Her performance in "You Are My King (Amazing Love)" stands out, where she demonstrates the natural belting technique that emphasizes the raw emotions of the song. In "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" rendition, she uses jazz-influenced harmonies, slow vibrato, and soft consonants to create an eerie and captivating atmosphere. "Jesus Only Jesus," written and performed with Matt Redman, is one of Pearson's most popular songs with upbeat and dynamic vocals that require a mix of singing soft and powerfully.

Practical Advice and Singing Carrots Resources

To start learning how to sing like Candi Pearson, here's a practical guide to follow:

  1. Analyze your voice to determine the qualities you want to enhance and the techniques you need to work on using this guide.
  2. Determine your voice type by singing comfortably within your range. Learn fundamentals about Voice Types here.
  3. Work on breathing techniques as they support the proper execution of the singing techniques, both active and passive. Explore both techniques here.
  4. Practice your voice registers, breaks, and mix by exploring and practicing this lesson on Voice Registers on Singing Carrots.
  5. Improve your breath support by working on a dedicated exercise called Breath support. Try it here.
  6. Open your mouth and throat to create better resonance by following these simple steps here.
  7. Learn and memorize a song at the core of your vocal range, which allows steady progress and useful practice targeting weak areas. Check this article on how to learn a song effectively and watch some videos here.
  8. Avoid vocal constrictions while singing by improving the rhythm and airflow of breath support. Knowing more from this article.
  9. Distinguish between classical and pop/jazz singing, and find which one Candi Pearson performs through this article.
  10. Master your song's emotions, thinking, skills, and intuition, and express them through your voice by reading this article.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.